
Life is bright

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


What does it mean to be perfect? To me, Perfect is what makes you happy. 

Have you ever felt like you are too tired of trying to be perfect?  The Perfect Mom, Wife, Son, Co-worker, boss…etc.

Well, I watched a movie tonight about a woman that reaches perfection with the perfect house, clothes, make-up, hair, boyfriend, job…but in the end, she realizes it wasn’t what she wanted. Watching her go through that, made me realized that I was doing the same thing. I had this idea of what I thought it meant to be perfect. Clean house, extra make-up, non-frizzy hair, and slimming outfit.  My goals were always focused around these things and in a way, I felt like for me to reach my goal of being “Perfect” I had to have these things, even if it made me unhappy.  And I realized I am unhappy.  

This is what I've learned.  Perfection a choice.

You can choose to wake up 2 hours before the sun rises to make sure that your hair and house is perfect before you see your man or start your day. You can make sure your make up is just right and not a spot missing before leaving the house…Or you can choose to not do it. Let it go. Either one is the correct choice if it makes you happy and love yourself. 

Isn’t that really our goal here, to be happy and when we are truly happy, that means we have a self-loving for yourself, and who you are.  

But let’s get back to what perfection is.  How many times have you heard that Perfection = Flawless or Graceful.  I have about a thousand times.   Do you know what the dictionaries definition is?  Means “having all the desirable elements, qualities or characteristics; as good as possible.”  

“Having the desirable qualities.”  Now ask yourself, who’s the one that is defining what is “desirable”. The world?  Your fiancĂ©? Your friends? Your co-workers?   The world may define that only sleek, shiny, full hair is desirable, or a dress size 2. But don’t let the world choose for you.  YOU are the one that gets to choose what is desirable for your perfection, for you to be best possible you. 

Keep in mind, don’t be afraid to show your RAW self.  How many times do we filter, prepare or plan out our thoughts, or actions so we will seem perfect.  Am I the only person that goes through a whole conversation in my head of what one person will say, and then what I will say, or should say to make sure the conversation will be perfect? 

Why not let your weird, wonderful, raw self shine through?  Now don’t get crazy on me, because some things do need a filter, especially in a professional setting, or when words might be purposefully hurtful.  That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about not always having to say the “perfect” thing or be flawless all the time. We are human, and full of flaws. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have goals to be perfect for you. The best possible you = the happiest possible you = perfection.

If you have the goals to be thin, to have flawless make up, or always best dressed that is wonderful.  If that makes you truly, deep in your bones happy, then do it.  But if you feel like that is the definition of perfection, and all women should strive for it…you are wrong. 

Your PERFECTION is personal. It is what you desire in yourself. If that means getting 8 hours of sleep or taking 1 hour each day for yourself. That is your perfection.  If that means making it to work on time, or looking up and walking with confidence, instead of head down. That is your perfection. If that means speaking up more, or smiling, or laughing more.  Whatever it is, That is perfection.  And remember, nothing is more beautiful than a happy, self-loving woman.

What is your perfection?