
Life is bright

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stand Out

There are a lot of things that motivate people to do certain things. Some are positive motivations, when others are detrimental. Interest, money, & obligations are a few to mention. One motivator that I don’t agree with is to be accepted by society.  So many people do things so they will be accepted by their friends, family, their classmates, or co-workers.  I believe there are some things that should only be done when you are alone, or in your home.  What I’m talking about are decisions or choices that you make that hinge totally one what others will think of you if you do it. 

I love how Emily Giffin said this.  It doesn’t mean that wanting to belong is bad or belonging to some sort of organization is bad as well. It simply is saying that you need to be your true self.  If that means that if you like wearing galoshes with a button up shirt, you should do it. If it means that you like dying your hair bright red, dye it! This can also go into what you decide to do in life. If your family has always gone to a specific college, but you want to attend a different one. Then why not attend the one you want? Don’t let other people’s opinion decide your life.  Whether they are family, co-workers, or your best friend, you need to follow your heart. Follow what YOU want to do. This all starts with asking yourself this question, “What do I want?” If you don’t know that answer, that’s ok; don’t give up in your search. Just because you don’t know, doesn’t mean that you have to give in to what others are telling you. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t.  Part of following your heart, is finding yourself. Learning more about yourself is the most important thing we can do in this life. Why? Because once you start to know who you are, it gives you a guide and then you can start laying down your pathway for your life.  Knowing who you are is not an achievement you gain at one point in your life. It is by living your life, and following your heart when you learn the most about yourself.

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