
Life is bright

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Take Courage

Has anyone ever told you to, "take courage?"  It was a phrase the was introduced to me while I was in my teenage years while I was listening to an inspirational speech.  It took me off guard at first because I didn't quite know what it meant. How do you "take courage?"

For starters, let's talk about what courage is.  There are a lot of definitions out there, but they are all summed up to something close to this: Courage is to act on or do something despite personal fear or danger.  That is one reason that I loved this quote so much.  Because it includes courage when following your heart.

It does take a lot of courage to follow your heart and your intuition.  More often than not, what your heart wants and what your intuition is telling you is not what the world or society thinks is the best plan.  Don’t get me wrong, it is always good to look at your options, but don’t for a second think that you are stupid for not following the norm.  Like I said in my last post, it’s good to stand out.  I am SO glad that everyone is not the same! Then why do we undermine those that had different ideas? That is the reason why it is hard to follow our heart and dreams,or basically be different.  Because sometime society doesn't agree with us.  Well, look at the wright brothers and what they accomplished?  I can guarantee that all of the great technology and machinery we have today was because someone followed their dream and stepped out of the box. 

It is scary to do that, but that is why we need to take courage, which simply means to have it, own it, and use the courage that you can muster.  If you can’t seem to find any of your own, look to others to help you. Look to history.  There are so many historical figures that have helped society because they were different.  Look to their strength, and believe in yourself.  You can do this! If this is what your heart is telling you, then do it! Don’t let anything hold you back!  Once you are able to listen to your heart and head on that path, it helps you become the person that you want to be deep down.  The end part of this quote explains that too, that as we do so, we can become something greater.  Those other things that seem important to the world, but are not what your heart desires, are merely secondary to your nature. 

I truly believe with my soul that as you follow your heart and let fears leave, you start becoming the most beautiful, amazing, best person you can be.  That happens because you are letting your soul shine through. 
Take courage and never give up!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going and to do better!
