
Life is bright

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Finding Yourself

Do you know when people ask you the question, “What do you want to do with your life?”  Or some variation of it, and your mind goes to the small corner of shame where you know you should have come up with a good answer, but your well is completely dry? That happens to me a lot.
I’ve often thought about how can I determine what I want to accomplish with my life. Where do I begin to figure this out? Many people say you need to find yourself.  But how?  And what does it even mean to find yourself? 

When I read this quote, I felt connected to it; like it answered these deep inner questions I had kept hidden away.

 “Listen to your inner-voice” …..What does that sound like?  When you hear your inner-voice, is it your heart talking to you, or your conscience?  I suppose you can choose which one is dominant, but I think that when we are finding ourselves, we need to set aside the voice that is telling us, “what will the family think”  or “You should find something more practical.”  There are cases in which you need to listen to this guidance, but just for a moment, listen to what the other voice is telling you. That is the voice of your personality! Remember when you were a child and you could get away with doing things you loved to do, even if it was weird?  But because you were young, the adults accepted it.  Things like playing in the snow, running around the house naked, and finger painting? There might be similar things that you heart and personality are trying to tell you but you suppress them because they “aren’t acceptable”.  Do an experiment and listen to what your personality is telling you. Follow it and see where it leads you.

Surrounding yourself with others that are loving and nurturing to you, help you develop that idea. They will help you follow that inner voice. These are great people to be around.  They could be your family, or just one really close friend.  Even if you can’t be around them a lot, set aside time to spend time with them. It doesn’t have to be an in-depth conversation about analyzing the pros and cons of your idea. Most of the time, it’s just having fun. Have a food fight! Or Pillow fight! Have FUN!

When you are in this process…that is when you find yourself. You have found what makes you happy. You have let yourself be happy.  When you are happy, you love yourself and the work you have done.  The quote says to love your art, but it can be any accomplishment, any craft, or even an emotional skyscraper that you have made.  It’s wonderful because it’s a part of you. You have put your full heart into it.

Start now by finding yourself and listening to the inner voice. You truly will find yourself and find your happiness.

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