
Life is bright

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Have you ever told someone your dream for your life plan and they stifle a laugh, or tell you how unrealistic it is?  Unfortunately so many people believe that being different and getting out of the “mold” is going to lead your life down a road of failure.  It’s completely not true.

When I read this quote it really made me think about how many wonders we have today because of people who stood out from everyone else. They weren’t afraid to be alone or stepping out of the mold of society.  Thomas Edison is such a great example to me in this.  The light bulb was considered a myth, or a dream to always stay a dream.  He was considered crazy and spent a lot of time alone. However, he did it. He created light!  Who isn’t to say that you can’t do something like this?  You want to create holographic communication?  Do it! You want to dive to the bottom of the ocean? Do it! You want to learn how to knit a sweater! Just make it happen. I’m talking about big and little dreams! No dream is unreachable, and nothing is too small. Make it happen. If you don’t start, then it will never happen.  Just don’t be afraid of being alone. 

Following your dream doesn’t always mean that you are going to have a lonely life. It just means that you need to not be afraid of being a lone.  Don’t let that fear stop you from pursuing your dream.  Many times in your journey you meet your closest life friends.  You will find people along the way that will help motivate you and help you accomplish your dream.  The people that you expect support from the most, may not give it right away. It’s not because they don’t love you or think that you can’t succeed, rather they don’t want to see you fail. They are letting fear stop them.  Don’t let that happen to you! Honestly, when you first attempt to do what you want, you will fail. Look at how many time Thomas Edison failed before the light came alive?  You can’t let that fear control you and stop you from fulfilling your dream.

It is your dream to live. Live it!!