
Life is bright

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Dare to Believe

Are you a person that is afraid to try new things?  Big or small, it can be nerve racking to change something in your life. Something as small as changing the brand of laundry detergent, to a big move to a new city can cause so many different emotions.  One universal emotion we all feel is fear.
Why are we afraid, or feel anxious when new things are entered into our lives?  Why are we afraid to change? Because the fear that it won’t work out, overrides our adventurous mind.  We are afraid that our lives will fall apart if we make the wrong decision.  I’ve recently been deliberating over a big decision for me and what helped me make this decision was to go to the “why”. Why was I wanting to change or why is this change necessary?  Knowing the ‘why” is good and helps us not feel so scared, but more importantly is knowing where the “why” is coming from.  Searching in ourselves with our decisions starts with knowing what’s in our heart. This quote by Bryant McGill says it so perfectly.

We need to not be afraid of following our heart, because good things will happen.  I know it seems scary when our dream seems impractical or even impossible, but we can’t let fear grasp us and hold us back.  We need to Dare to believe in ourselves. Dare to believe in others. Dare to believe that even though this world is a wicked place, that good can come from it.  One amazing and inspirational example of all time for following her heart was Mother Teresa.  She was such an amazing leader of this world in her service to others. Her dream was to uplift those around her and help as many people as she could reach.  How much good came from her actions?  How many ripples of good influence did that one stone make in this incredibly complicated world?  Did any good come from her following her dream, despite the difficulties, and doubts she must have had?  Of course. That is why we speak so lovingly of her name today. 

Following your heart doesn’t mean you need to make a world impact. The truth is, you never know how many people you inspire each day, but just being you.  There are so many good things that come about from doing what you love and trying new things.  Act on what your hearts telling you. It will ultimately lead you on the happiest path that brings good things to others along the way.

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