
Life is bright

Saturday, March 19, 2016

At What Cost?

How long does it take you to go shopping?  Do you take time to write down a list? Do you look at the ads when they come out to see the sales? When you finally decide what you want, do you think of the cost?  Of course you do!  That is why we are always using coupons, and searching for the best sales because we always want to spend the least amount we need to.  Why do we do this?  Sometimes it’s because we have a tight budget, but I think that in our minds we are always weighing out the cost verses the worth.  We are asking ourselves the question, “Is this worth the cost?”

I love this quote because it helps me think about the cost of our decisions.  Do we spend time to think about what it’s going to cost?  I think that so many people think that when you have to follow your heart that you do it in an instant.  Following your heart is living in the moment, going from one thing to the next because that is what you’re are feeling.  It’s not always that way.  Planning your life to make your dreams come true is a great thing.  The misconception that people have with this idea is that once you start thinking about following your heart too long, it gives your brain time to accept logic and once that happens, you’ll never act on what your heart is telling you.  In reality, what happens is it allows doubt to settle in.  You start thinking about how your dream is not logic, or how you will fail.  You doubt yourself.  Don’t let that happen!
You need to hold onto that warm great feeling you have every time you think of your dream.  Hold on to that happiness, that hope that it gives you.  Don’t let anyone talk you out of it, including yourself.  The minute you don’t choose the path that leads to your dream, that is when you decide that the cost is not worth your dream.  When in reality, it becomes the higher cost, because you will wish for the rest of your life that you had followed your heart.
Don’t make that mistake.  Live your life the way your heart imagined it

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